Browse a list of vacation homes for sale in Galveston and on Bolivar Peninsula, and you will quickly see that not all of them offer the same advantages. If you enjoy boating and fishing, limit your search to waterfront homes on a canal on Bolivar Peninsula. Real estate on the Bolivar peninsula, with its relative privacy yet easy access to Galveston Island, is particularly suited for people interested in waterfront vacation homes. When you live in a waterfront home, you can expect:

Waterfront Home

Private Boat Docking
When your home or vacation home is far from the waterfront, you have to tow your boat to a launch site whenever you want to spent time on the waters of Galveston Bay or the Gulf of Mexico. This adds significant time to your trips, making it more difficult to take short day trips or enjoy a leisurely sail without a hassle and a potentially long drive.  Waterfront Homes in GalvestonWhen you live in a waterfront home, however, you can keep your boat docked directly in front of or behind your house for as long as you are there. Waterfront living offers you quick access to the sea for fishing and boating.


Easy Recreation Opportunities
Living near the water opens up a world of recreation opportunities that are difficult to access when you live away from the coast. With your own private dock, you can easily launch jet skis, kayaks, and paddle boards. If your passion is fishing, you can set off in your private boat at a moment’s notice to spend a few hours out on the water. If your passion is sailing, then you’ll be happy with your boat always close at hand.

Reddish Egret

Access to Nature
By their very nature, most waterfront developments offer you access to nature. On the Bolivar Peninsula, the Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary and surrounding natural wetlands are very close to many houses. The tranquil feeling of watching the waves and looking out toward the horizon to see the water stretching out before you make waterfront living very special, and provide a sense of serenity that you can’t get in other suburban locations.
